Very interesting read! I’m actually from the Pittsburg area and started out of college in steel. Talk about a crazy industry. Some of the stories the more tenured workers had were crazy. And that was after all sorts of safety rules and regulations were put in place! It’s been a couple years, but the book “Meet you in hell” by Lee Standiford is a really interesting read on the steel industry, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Frick and the labor movement for anyone interested.

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I’m doing the TMF 9/11 Memorial in the rucking division. Glad they and GoRuck partnered so I can participate.

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We did a heavy pack MTN tough work out. Laborious indeed.

This was super interesting thanks for sharing.

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Happy Labor Day, all! I always enjoy hearing about the history of the labor movement and specifically enjoyed how you tied it to inactivity. Very interesting and a much more subtle calorie burn shift than I expected. I’m headed outside now. 👍

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