Starbucks on the corner on my way to work. The app allows me to order from my house and my order is ready by the time I arrive. There are promotions to earn bonus stars. More stars equal more rewards. You get more stars if you use a gift card. I buy the gift card at the grocery store to get double fuel points, sometimes 4x the fuel points. And the cycle repeats.

Until I realized how much money I was spending and it was not matching the savings of the "rewards". There is still the occasional visit but no more of the everyday I work visits.

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Starting the book today (on Audible) and looking forward to learning more! I have struggled with procrastination my whole life and technology is now a huge factor in that struggle. Looking forward to learning more about why and how to get away from it.

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No pain-- just anger. Actually, I have never felt better. I have cancer and have just finished my fourth round of chemotherapy. Unlike 90% of patients , I not only have no awful side effects, but I am actually rejuvenating.!! Watching to see where this goes. These blue zones get all the publicity, but I think I know the real answers. jb

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Child abuse is not good in moderation... this m word that is meaningless. Common sense tell us what we need to do not some wellness bitch formulas about "eat healthy" or exercise to torch calories. Sixty years of messing with our bodies will en din 2024 when the miracle weight loss pills are here. Bloomberg news just published how much FUEL airlines will save when they aren't carrying 65% of 5th population who are now obese but won't be. One billion people are starving. that's all anyone needs to know.

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Stabbing yourself with a knife isn't good in moderation, either.

Common sense isn't really so common, though, is it?

Why so negative?

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I am 82 and grew up here when this country had a much better class of people. It 's all so tacky now. And the USA is in deep decline. At least I won't have to look at fat assess any longer. Science will fix that issue. No one listened to me for the past 60years when I asked why they were counting calories no one has ever seen.

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OK, I feel your pain. I am semi-famous on another forum for my rather acerbic takes on life and things in general. The USA IS in deep decline and people generally used to be of much higher quality. No arguments there.

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