Sitemap - 2023 - Two Percent with Michael Easter

4 Questions For You

Best of 2023: Books, Podcasts, Exercises, Apps, Studies, and More ...

AMA December Edition: Am I exercising hard enough; is running uniquely beneficial?

3 Ways to Buy Less Stuff You Don't Need

The Problem With Goals

The Expedition: December Edition

Harvard's Running and Rucking Prescription

The Truth About Mindfulness

2% Gear Not Stuff Holiday Gift Guide

Five Important Questions on Rucking, Challenges, Longevity, Seed Oils, and Inspiration

The Problem with Grades

Burn the Ships: December Edition

Extreme Calorie Burn

Can You Out-Exercise a Bad Diet?

AMA November Edition: A 5-Step Decision Framework and Avoiding Weight Gain

The Heavy Rucking Mile

The True Science of Gratitude

The Expedition: November Edition

Military Nutrition Findings

5 Rucking Challenges

Gear Not Stuff: November Edition/Kitchen Edition

Don't Die: Travel Edition

The CBS and DOAC Interviews

Burn The Ships: November Edition

Avoid the #1 Rucking Injury

How to Change

AMA: October Edition (Exercising with Music/Podcasts, Sleep Routine)

Rucking in Airports: A Guide

5 Ways to Leverage the Power of Emotions

The Expedition: October Edition

Six Reasons to Appreciate Life Right Now

How to Talk to Anyone

Gear Not Stuff: October Edition

The Power of Exercise Snacks

How to Save Money on Healthy Food

Burn the Ships: October Edition

Don't Die: Do Stepups

Why We Get Hooked on (Insert Anything)

Scarcity Brain vs. The Comfort Crisis: Differences and Similarities

The Joe Rogan + Jordan Harbinger Interviews

Scarcity Brain Workshop Recording

AMA: September Edition (Protein Debate, Building Gritty Kids)

Misleading Protein Claims

Rucking: Backpacks Vs. Weight Vests

The Expedition: September Edition

A Writing Tip That Works

The New Science of Outdoor Exercise

Gear Not Stuff: September Edition

Don't Die: Stop Doing Dumb Stuff, Edition I

Put Labor Back Into Labor Day

Burn the Ships: September Edition

The Paradox of Making Your Bed

11 Important Health Questions: Answered!

AMA: August Edition

The Unexpected Benefits of Fortified Foods

Is Breakfast Cereal Healthy?

The Expedition: August Edition

2% Hydration Guide: Part II

2% Hydration Guide: Part I

Gear, Not Stuff: August Edition

The 2% Warmup

My New Book: Scarcity Brain

Burn the Ships: August Edition

The Power of Taking the Stairs

6 Pillars of Useful Fitness

AMA: July Edition (Mental Toughness + Returning from Injury)

Absolve Yourself of First-World Problems

Six Fitness Lessons From a Fascinating Study on the Amish

The Expedition: July Edition

The Simplest, Most Effective Exercise

Fix Your Posture

Gear Not Stuff: July Edition

A Nutrition Rule That Cuts Through Nonsense

Why Boring is Better for Nutrition

Burn the Ships: July Edition

Fitness Secret of the UFC's Toughest Fighter

Four Fitness Skills Every Human Needs

This Exercise Fixes Rucking Shoulder Pain

How Flip-Flops Lead to Sports Injuries


AMA: My Fitness Tracker + Recovery Practice

The Science of Fitness Tracker Calorie Burn

How Accurate is Your Fitness Tracker?

The Expedition: June Edition

Carrying Kids: The Incredible Science and Benefits, Part II

Carrying Kids: The Incredible Science and Benefits, Part I

Gear Not Stuff: June Edition

The 2% Vitamin and Mineral Guide

You Probably Don't Get Enough Vitamins and Minerals

Burn The Ships: June Edition

Don't Die—Wilderness Edition

What is The Murph Challenge?

Use Science to Reduce Screen Time

10 Lessons From SummerStrong 16

6 Fitness Tips From New Research on Female Athletes

Q&A: Problems With "Optimizing;" Benefits of Moving Heavy Stuff

A Smarter Perspective on Sports Nutrition

Don't Die. Do Pullups.

My Badass Mom

8 Sleep Tips That Actually Work

6 Sleep Myths

11 Lessons From the World's Top Fitness Minds

Wild Findings From an Analysis of 400 Diet Books

A Major Announcement From 2%

My Go-To Hard Workout

The Best Breakfast Food

Do Hard Things

The Truth About Morning Routines

5 Ways to Have Life-Changing Ideas

Does What Time You Eat Matter?

A Tough Rucking Challenge

The Most Uncomfortable Thought

What's Your Misogi?

Cold Benefits Without Extreme Exposure

4 Ways to Make Exercise Great Again

6 New Types of Rucking to Try

How Many Steps a Day is Best?

Six Ways to Sneak In Exercise

Be a 2-Percenter